
Monday, July 25, 2011

Long Eddy, NY Thompson & O'Dell Engagement

When Kayla and Travis walked into TA's in Walton to meet with me the first time, I was like ding ding these guys are a gorgeous and haven't seen happy until you meet these two.  

We rescheduled this engagement session a few times but finally met up a few weeks ago at Travis and Kayla's house which has been in Travis family since 1847. His great great great grandfather settled the farm which Travis still works to this day and it is really tucked way back up in the woods... I was surprised my GPS told me where to turn! 

I always take a few moments to make my subjects and myself comfortable with the surroundings and process of the next 90 minutes....sometimes it takes a little while for people to open up in front of me. Kayla and Travis were definitely an exception, they were so passionate and loving towards each other it didn't take much to capture who they really are with each other, which is two beautiful, in love people! Here's to you Kayla and Travis, I look forward to getting back out your way in October, I can only imagine what these mountains will look like then!



1 comment:

  1. Fantastic photos Beth!! It's obvious the love they share. Beautiful. Wishing them a long, healthy and happy life together~!
